Thursday, August 29, 2013


The person writing this blog is the first Asian boy in Mr. McCarthy’s period 6 English 2 class. Well to be more specific, the first Asian boy as being the first Asian boy on the attendance sheet before the other Asian boy named Benjamin Liu. Anyways, this is a blog supposedly to be about me so Mr. McCarthy can know more about who I am and is probably reading this blog right now and also other students, so hi. Too start off; I barely know anything about myself so writing this blog will be extremely difficult.  Since I don’t really know anything about myself, I guess I should start the introduction of myself with a story of my life because that is the only idea I have currently to describe myself. On February 12, 1998, it was a sunny bitter cold day in Chicago, Illinois, and on that day, many babies were born and I was one of the babies who were born on that day. I was the heaviest and the tallest baby in my extended family. So growing up in a two story house, with the front of the house looking like it has been hit by several motored-vehicles and the back of the house looking like the front house of a crack house, was sad and overcrowding.  Every time I walked back home from my neighborhood school with my cousins, who was also sheltered in the same house as me, there would be students following us back to the house and would throw tiny pebbles at us when we reached the doors of the house, the words that would come out from their mouth would be, “Haha, haha, you live in a haunted house, you’re going to get eaten by a wicked mouse!” What was sad was that we always would start crying when they were teasing and throwing pebbles at us, we did nothing to stop them until my grandmother came out, then they ran. Thinking back, I really did not know they meant, the house never had man-eating mouse before, but what it did have was rats and cockroaches. By the age of 6, I moved out of that house and lived in a town house, it was more spacious, the floor didn’t look like I wasn’t cleaned for 30 years, and was brighter. For the time being, I didn’t do anything awesome, lived a normal life, and never got teased by those kids again. I graduated from my neighborhood elementary school and spent my summer break dreaming about flying on pink unicorns, and trying to catch the Nyan Cat and having it for a main course. I had a nice freshmen year in Whitney Young, and for the summer I spent my time in a University of Chicago science laboratory. This is the story of my life.