Sunday, March 30, 2014

New Money, Old Money, and Everybody Else

The Great Gatsby is such an amazing book, the rising rich or the "New Money" gets discriminated or hated by the "Old Money", and an "Old Money" wanting to become a "New Money". The conflicting feelings from the old rich to the new rich is hands down the greatest conflict in a book. However, in the 20th century, the Great Gatsby was not consider to be a good book, only sold 20,000 copies and only had poor reviews. Until World War II when the book came with a comeback and became popular enough that high school students have to read it. Which leads to this blog.
The Great Gatsby setting is inspired by Robert F. Scott Fitzgerald's past in partying in Long Island. In addition to that, the Great Gatsby takes on a fictional personal experience of Robert F.  Scott Fitzgerald's life in Long Island. For example, Nick Caraway in the Great Gatsby is to be considered "Old Money" because "Old Money" attends Ivy League schools, inherits parents fortunes, and starts off in life with money to build their own company or to start a lavish life. Nick Caraway was offered money by his father and offered to have a business started off from his father loaning him some money. Nick Caraway denies the offer and decides to start from square one of becoming rich instead of what usual "Old Money"  people do, take money from their parents. Robert F. Fitzgerald attended an Ivy League school like Nick Caraway. However, Robert F. Scott Fitzgerald was more similar to Jay Gatsby, Fitzgerald did not come from "Old Money" he came from "Everybody Else" he was just an average Joe, born from an average class family. Just from telling where Jay Gatsby lives, it can be predicted that Jay Gatsby was not an "Old Money" because if he was, he would not be living in West Egg where the wealth people that just got "lucky" according to the "Old Money" and would be living in East Egg where the "Old Money" are living at. In comparison, Jay Gatsby and Fitzgerald both came from the same conditions when they were younger,they were "Everybody Else" and they both craved for being rich just to be with the love of their life who were in the high class in society. The difference between Gatsby and Fitzgerald would be that Gatsby was a character of what would happen if Fitzgerald was rich, but he did get the girl of his dreams, Zelda Syre just saying. So Gatsby became a "New Money" and would throw lavish parties at his mansion where "Everybody Else" and "Old Money" would come and party, but really, the party was to show Daisy Buchanan how wealth Jay Gatsby has become over the years. That he was now qualified to be her husband since he has money and that their children will become "Old Money".