Sunday, September 29, 2013

Modern Puritans

The number one most popular religion that resonates on planet Earth today would be Christianity. With a believed population of 2,116,909,552, this includes the population of Roman Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, and Anglicans. With this being said, United States is the number one area that houses about 11.3% of the Christian population and 79.5% of the United States are made up of Christians, which can be estimated to about 246,780,000 people in America are Christians. This wouldn’t be a big surprise really, but if it is, hope you learned something from reading this. I wouldn’t be surprised that the Christian population in America to be this big, but yet, I expected it to be even bigger. Since I do know that from the time that America was founded, the first thirteen colonies were dominated by Puritans, and from generation to generation to generations, the beliefs in God hasn’t changed and so hasn’t the constant reading of the Bible, and the worshipping of God, but what has changed was the interpretations of short stories in the Bible.    
The Christian population is just a more “updated” modern version of Puritans, but possibly less judgmental on others beliefs and more respected on others views on things and sense of actions. The Puritans were a group of believers that believed in God, but had a harsh view on others that believed in different deities, and would usually take action to stop their beliefs because they believe that their God was the right God and all other deities were the Devil, and the worship of other deities were like strengthening the power of the Devil, since other deities were consider to be the Devil, and in order to weaken the Devil, the Puritans believe that they must take down his/her follower. The take down can either be death, like hanging or burning, or the confession of believing in the Devil and say that you want to be with God. There is a group that is similar in ways of the Puritans, but they don’t exactly consider themselves as Puritans and neither does society consider them as one. This group would be the Westboro Baptist Church.
The Westboro Baptist Church is known in society a hate group towards nonbelievers of God, nonbelievers of “their” God, and gays. The Westboro Baptist Church members live amongst each other and is hated by nearly everyone in society for their extreme ideology. Some of their young members have been disowned by their families because they dear to either to question the ideology of their ways or because they disliked being hated by others and having no friends. The Westboro Baptist Church isn’t as violent as the Puritans were in trying to stop the support of different deities that were consider to be different from “their” God and also wasn’t as violent as the Puritans were in the stopping of support of subjects that they believe that God doesn’t like because the way of interpretation on the subject from the Bible is negative on the subject. The Westboro Baptist Church believes that God hates gays because the way they interpreted the subject on gays from the Bible were negative upon them and so they, the Westboro Baptist Church would go to events for gays or events that were to support gays and picket, yelling, “God hates Fags!” One example of picketing on gays would be a picketing on a funeral of a man named Matthew Shepard from Laramie, Wyoming whom was beaten to death by two men for being homosexual. The Westboro Baptist Church went to that funeral and picketed say that he deserved it and God accepts the event.       

1 comment:

  1. The Westboro Baptist Church does not sound any better then the Puritans, Its just they don't have political power in today's world.
